Establishment of a Wagyu beef grading system that implements meat quality (5-1) and yield grade (A, B, C): 5 is the highest grade for meat quality
To ensure fair trading, the Japan Meat Grading Association has established a beef grading system. Beef is graded based on the yield grade and meat quality The yield grade refers to the ratio of meat to total weight of the carcass and is classified into three grades from A to C with A being a grade of higher yield. Meat quality is classified into four elements and graded from 5 to 1 based on “marbling”, “color” and “firmness of the meat”, and the “color and quality of the fat”. The lowest of the four individual elements is the final grade allocated to the meat. A thorough grading system of 15 grades through
a combination of the above two grading elements ensures a clear indication of Wagyu meat quality. The majority of Wagyu exported from Japan is generally awarded the highest grade of 5 or 4 in meat quality and meat of such caliber is rare even in Japan. The yield grade indicates the amount of primal cut meat retrieved from the carcass and, based on the fact that exported beef is made up of primal cuts, there is no difference in the actual meat quality of A-5 and B-5 for instance. |

Chart of Japanese Beef Market |